About The Creative Ambassadors Project
Within all of the marvelous displayed artistry New York City has to offer, an entire sector of creatives is constantly being overlooked. These are our potential future creative leaders overcoming adversities within marginalized NYC communities. These youth create magnificent works of art and design born out of obstacles and would thrive tremendously if only provided with the same exposure, tools and opportunities as non-underserved creatives.
The Creative Ambassadors Project is a social photo project focused on empowering the voices of under-resourced creative youth, by presenting them in powerful photographic editorial style portraits based on their creative career aspirations. Created and photographed by The Creative Youth Society founder, Sharon Miller via her photography studio Honeydark Creative Studios, The photo project features creative youth between the ages of 13-24 from underserved communities within New York City.
The goal of The Creative Ambassadors Project is to shine a light and inspire deserving emerging creatives, invoke conversations about improving economic disparity, create career opportunities, and to help break society’s negative perceptions of youth adversity.